Whenever needed, and often just to enrich the discussion, expertise is brought in from the outside. ECLA students are taught, not just by the faculty and postdoctoral fellows, but by a stream of guest teachers who join the discussion for a day, a week or a term.
In the 2011-2012 AUTUMN TERM the guest teachers were:
JARRELL ROBINSON Autumn Term 2011/12 Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago AY/BA1 Core Lecture: Plato's Republic Book II
HEINRICH MEIER Autumn Term 2011/12 Director of Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Special Guest Lecture: Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss
TOBIAS JOHO Autumn Term 2011/12 PhD candidate, University of Chicago AY/BA1 Core Lecture: The Peloponnesian War | GLENN W. MOST Autumn Term 2011/12 Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago AY/BA1 Core Lecture: The Bacchae
THEODORE ZIOLKOWSKI Autumn Term 2011/12 Professor Emeritus of Yale Graduate School PY/BA4 Core Seminar: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
CLAUDIA BARACCHI Autumn Term 2011/12 Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca AY/BA1 Core Lecture: Plato's Republic Book X |
In the 2011-2012 WINTER TERM the guest teachers are:
JENNIFER CLARVOE Winter Term 2011/12 Poet and Professor at Kenyon College AY/BA1 Core Lecture: Ovid's Amores
BRUNO MACAES Winter Term 2011/12 Senior Policy Adviser to Portugal's Prime Minister Politics Club Talk: Financial Crisis
| MAX WHYTE Winter Term 2011/12 Collegiate Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago PY/BA4 Core Lecture: Nietzsche and the Third Reich
THOMAS ROMMEL Winter Term 2011/12 Professor at Jacobs University, Bremen Lecture: Sympathy and Self-interest in 18th-Century British Culture |