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Residential Life Office

The Office of Residential Life (ORL) supported ECLA's philosophy of student life, according to which residential life constitutes an essential part of the educational experience. The ORL was made up of the Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) and student (Residential  Assistants) representatives. All lived on the ECLA campus. The two main areas covered by the ORL were community life, and the organization of extracurricular programmes. 

The  RLC was the first contact point for all matters relating to student residential life. The RLC was familiar with ECLA resources and had a budget to initiate and help support student projects for ECLA's on-campus community. Students who would like to organize a residential life programme supported by the ORL could approach the RLC. Programme proposals were evaluated and approved on the basis of their potential contribution to at least one of the following four areas:

 - their relevance to integrating Berlin's resources in the life of the college
 - their potential to enhance learning
 - their potential to build on and benefit from the diversity of national and academic backgrounds represented by the ECLA community
 - their potential to strengthen the community and contribute to the available health and fitness options.

Events organized by the ORL typically included late-night talks, international dinners, sport activities, and excursions. The ORL was supported by the Residential Life Committee which was made up of the Deans, one faculty member, and the RLC.