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ISU 2005: Cursed Questions and Modern Man

July 15 - August 28

In its interdisciplinary approach, the curriculum of ECLA's International Summer University respects a certain balance between literature and philosophy and between various other genres: philosophical writings on morality, religion and politics as well as novels, plays and poems. Such a diversity and intensity of reading was achieved because the course carefully unified the disparate texts, situating them within a continuum of key questions. The curriculum was organized around the following weekly themes:
1) Fathers and Sons
2) Under Western Eyes
3) The Roman Idea
4) The Suffering of the Righteous
5) Cruelty and Justice
6) Cruelty and Resentment
All these themes are represented in The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, that served as keynote book discussed in seminars in three different sessions (weeks one, four and six).