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David Martínez Perucha

Before joining ECLA in the fall 2002, David Martínez Perucha had received his M.A. in Philosophy and his Diploma in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). He later received an M.A. in Spanish Philology and Philosophy from the Free University of Berlin (FU), where he has also taught literature of the Spanish Golden Age. He has published several translations from German and English into Spanish. Currently he is working on his dissertation about the construction and development of the political speech in Tommaso Campanella and Baltasar Gracián.

At ECLA he teaches Spanish at all levels, from beginner's to advanced, including the preparation courses for the official Spanish language exam (DELE). The class work is based on a communicative teaching approach aimed at developing students' oral and writing skills through interaction and the introduction of authentic language in form of text, film or music. A great deal of importance is also given to students' personal experiences as a contributing element to the learning process, as well as to linking classroom language learning with the language activities in everyday life situations. Whenever possible in the format of a language class, the subject matters treated in the ECLA core curriculum are integrated into discussions and readings.


Recent publications:

- "De Campanella a Gracián: los conceptos de prudencia y ocasión en la era de la razón de Estado", in: Los conceptos de Gracián, Sebastian Neumeister (ed.), Berlin 2010.

- Erika Fischer-Lichte, Ästhetik des Performativen, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2004; Estética de lo performativo, Abada, Madrid 2011 (translation).